This has been one of the most awesome experiences of my life. The adventure began even before the trip, trying to get the Visa to get into the country just on time.
This was the 2nd Weifang International Kitesurf Festival but my first time in it and in China too. A total of 60 riders took part on the event, 30 international ones (one from each country) and 30 from China. Like all events in China, everything was big!! Big Opening ceremony with thousands of public, and traditional dancers and fireworks; excellent 4 stars Hotel and big Closing Ceremony on the last day with many authorities of the country. And all expenses from the riders were covered by the chinese government. I want to thank Mr.Liu and all the people involved in the organisation for bringing me there.
What I liked most about the event is that more than a competition, was big performance where all the riders had fun, specially because we had really good and strong wind, agains all expectations. I even used my 8m Havoc kite!
On the second night, they brought us to see a show, the election of Missis Weifang. Another weiard experience!!

The most surprising thing for me was the way we, the riders, were treated in all moment for everybody; we were like Hollywood stars!! We couldn't walk on the street without having a picture taken, people stopping us and even signing autographs!! And not to say in the spot, I can tell you that I was asked to have pictures taken with me more in the days in China than in all my life together!!

On the arrival to Qingdao Airport, some people were waiting for us and drove us into Weifang city, about 3 hours from the airport. Each rider had his own translator that was with us 24/7!! My translator, Becky, she was like an angel ;) Everyday she made sure I woke up and had breakfast on time, helped me to carry all the gear, pumped my kites, helped me to put my boards together...I was even feeling bad because she was doing all the hard work for me!!

Everyday 3 buses took us from the hotel to the spot (around 45 minutes away) and then, around 5pm back again. The spot is a very singular spot, there's actually no beach, it's all mud, they are drowning the see to gain more land.

Even you can see a couple of pics here in my blog and in my FB and I'm planning to do a short video soon, I tell you that the images don't make justice with the reality; well, reality or fiction¿? because I can assure you that nothing there seemed real!
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