After finishing 3rd in Freestyle my main goal was doing well in Course Racing. I did a good first racing, finishing on 1st place, even I broke a fin on the reef. In the second race I decide to change my board and I have to say it wasn't a good decision...I ended 4th and that put me down to the 3rd place in the overall racing.
I knew I could do better, even with a broken fin, but I just needed another racing. In the following two days, they just focused on freestyle 'cos they didn't have a result for the Men, and the wind droped so they had to cancel the copetition on the third day...
On the last day of the event the wind seemed to be back, but it lasted just an hour...so they had to do a "kit-kat" again and when it seemed to be back, keep going. Finally they could finish everything and we had a result for men too.
But I was still waiting for my chance, and when I thought it was over, the best news for me came!!! One last Racing!!!! That was my opportunity to get back my first place! I couldn`'t do any mistake this time. And oh my God, me and Kathrin get soooo close at the finish line but I managed to get through first!! And I got my 1st place back.
So in a few days we'll be racing again in Thailand!! my only worrie is that I may not be able to fix my fin.
But I want to think possitive and enjoy the experience and the oportunity of being traveling and doing the thing I love most: Kitesurfing!!